Response from Furnace Doctors
You know what? CHECK YOUR "FACTS!" YOUR home warranty company BEFORE they move forward with your claim asks us what needs to be done to install YOUR new furnace and we tell them; we have to snip and remove the old electrical, gas pipe, duct and exhaust to retro fit to THEIR new unit plus we need to remove the old and dispose of YOUR old unit. YOUR home warranty company does NOT pay for this but the install cannot be done if it is not done!! Your home warranty company tells us what is covered and what is NOT BASED ON HOW MUCH YOU PAY FOR YOUR POLICY!!!!! So what they do not cover, you must!! YOUR home warranty company ORDERS the furnace in THEIR time, the company THEY order through ships it in THEIR time (which means we are waiting on a shippers schedule) and the shipper SHIPS it in THEIR time and mean while back at the ranch (cue the crickets) our schedule does NOT wait for them!!! We have other customers whom are beating our door down with cash to get us to install for them!!! Hence, a very busy schedule!!!! I suppose you'd rather we left all the old used electrical, bent destroyed gas pipe, exhaust and metal after we ripped your old unit from it, install the new to THAT, right? You think you'd like THAT job?! I think we'd be hearing from you another way. So before you insult THIS company with misrepresentations, READ YOUR POLICY!!!!!! IT'S IN THERE!!!!!! Spend the money to find the right company and furnace that makes YOU happy instead of paying for a home warranty that picks for you and WRONGLY INSULTING an HONEST INNOCENT company!!!!! AND paying a few, A FEW, "A FEW!!!!" hundred bucks instead of THOUSANDS!!!!! ($3,000.00 AND UP TO BE EXACT!!!) is a HECK of a deal even with WHAT THEY supply YOU with!!!!! Now THAT is as HONEST as THIS "dishonest company" GETS!!!! I am soooo sick of home warranty customers that want the moon for NOTHING from a home warranty company and disrespect the INNOCENT company just doing their job!!!!!